Monday, September 19, 2011

Cake makes rainy Monday's better!

This might sound a little crazy idea for a cake came to me in a dream. Actually it was more the waking up and laying in bed forever because you don't want to get up state! The idea was to take circles and overlap them all around the cake.  That was a little too plain so I added a sugar paste flower. 

Here is the result

The cake is a chocolate mud cake and a vanilla bean buttercream.  I was trying out a new recipe for a toilet cake I am making on Thursday.  Yes, you saw that right...a toilet cake! Stay tuned for more on that this week.

It has been pretty rainy here the past few days so I thought I would brighten up the kids day with a piece of cake.
This kid loves icing! I'm not sure where he gets that from?

We also had a lesson in sharing (we have plenty of those throughout the day) Reese passed this morning.

Happy Monday!


  1. Looks so good and the smile on Reese's face with that peice of cake is priceless...takes after his mama!
    PS - this is your mom - for some reason I can't post unless I'm anonymous!

  2. Love it!! It's so elegant and classy-looking. You are waaay talented! :-}

  3. That is amazing! Now I am going to be dreaming about cake :) You have mad skills, in case I haven't told you that lately.

  4. Mmmm...Looks good...I'll have that. Also, don't believe that person that says she is your mom. It could be any crazy person...

  5. Thanks mom! I know I can't post unless i'm annoymous or put my web address. Thanks Christie:) Macy, it's always a good dream when there is cake!
